Category Archives: Politics

Two financial blows from the Salvadoran Government

CONTEXT The U.S. Embassy recently approved funding for organizations working in the region, through USAID. The relationship of the Salvadoran government and the US Government is not “solid”, as stated by the Chargé d’ affaires ad Interim Jean Manes: “We have investments in different projects. USAID support is in the hundreds of millions in different […]

Bukele Deputies Open the Door to Prison Sentences for Those Organizing Marches

Lawyers suggest that they are “criminalizing social protest” and establishing a “regime of exception” or state of siege in El Salvador.   Artículo original en español aquí. Written by Eugenia Velásquez of Translated by Sister Cities   On Wednesday, the Legislative Assembly approved a new initiative similar to the one that they recently extended […]

Massive protest in El Salvador on Independence Day

Although yesterday El Salvador was supposed to celebrate the bicentennial of independence, Salvadorans decided to march for another reason: to protest against the latest decisions of the Bukele administration that keep undermining the rule of the Law, such as the decision of the newly-appointed Supreme Court to allow the reelection of the president, the decision […]

The Guardian: Crece el escepticismo en El Salvador ante la apuesta por el Bitcoin

El periódico británico THE GUARDIAN publicó el artículo que traducimos a continuación:   Litha María de Los Ángeles pone dos pupusas rellenas de queso en la plancha. Con un clic de la cámara en el código QR, recibe su pago: cuatrocientas milésimas de un Bitcoin. Luego, cuando la lluvia golpea el techo de lámina y […]

El Salvador doubling down on the army

El Faro recently published a report on the investigation the deposed General Attorney was conducting on several officials, including Osiris Luna, for the conversations he facilitated among gang leaders inside maximum security prisons. President Bukele once again reacted via Twitter in a dismissive way, but amid the backlash on social media, he decided to focus […]

Pre-trial detention for FMLN members

ELSALVADOR.COM reports: The Second Magistrate’s court of San Salvador ordered today that five former FMLN officials remain in jail while the judicial process against them reaches the investigation stage. From the moment of the arrests, leaders of the FMLN have questioned the process followed by the authorities and the Prosecutor’s Office regarding the arrests of […]

FMLN members captured in El Salvador

Earlier today people were sharing information about the apprehension of Violeta Menjivar, former Health Minister during Mauricio Funes’ administration. People were concerned since she was not informed of the charges against her. Little by little, more names were added to the list. LA PRENSA GRAFICA reports: Five former FMLN officials were captured this afternoon and […]

NGOs – New target for the Legislative Assembly?

(EN ESPAÑOL ABAJO)   As REUTERS reports: A U.S. State Department report on Central American officials “credibly alleged” to be corrupt includes a member of Salvadoran President Nayib Bukele’s cabinet and a former minister, according to an extract of the document leaked on Monday. (…) Bukele appeared scornful of the State Department list, noting on […]

Comunicado de organizaciones salvadoreñas / Statement of Salvadoran Organizations (May 3, 2021)

(PUEDE LEER EL COMUNICADO EN ESPAÑOL ABAJO)   Social organizations reject the actions of the Legislative Assembly, as they put the peace and well-being of Salvadorans at risk We, representatives of social organizations with a membership of thousands of compatriots, condemn the dismissal of the magistrates of the Constitutional Chamber and the Attorney General by […]

Nuevas Ideas representatives agree the dismissal of magistrates and General Attorney

DW reports: The Legislative Assembly of El Salvador, with a pro-government majority, dismissed on May 1st the proprietary and alternate magistrates of the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) for allegedly committing “fraud to the constitution” and violating the separation of powers. The first vice president of the Legislative Assembly of El Salvador (and former Ministry […]