Category Archives: Defending Natural Resources

Romero Week of Action: March 18-22, 2024

*Español abajo* Two years ago, the Sister Cities network started an annual week of action to remember the anniversary of the March 24, 1980 assassination of Archbishop Oscar Romero and support our friends in El Salvador. This year, we are raising money to support the salaries of two grassroots organizers with our primary Salvadoran partner, […]

Climate Change: Internationalism, Militarism, and Forced Migration

*Español abajo* In this post, we include three resources discussing different aspects of climate change and organizing. 350 Webinar: Why Internationalism? 350 is an international movement of ordinary people working to end the age of fossil fuels and build a world of community-centered renewable energy for all. Across the globe, we’re seeing the impacts of […]

Santa Marta 5 photo

Santa Marta 5 are home – but not acquitted

(ESPAÑOL ABAJO) Miguel Ángel Gámez, Alejandro Laínez García, Pedro Antonio Rivas Laínez, Teodoro Antonio Pacheco, and Saúl Agustín Rivas Ortega are known as the Santa Marta 5. They are community leaders and water defenders. The Santa Marta 5 were arrested on January 11, 2023 under suspicious charges and were held in pre-trial detention until September […]

Leaders of ADES and Santa Marta in Cabañas have been arrested

The historical community of Santa Marta in Cabañas woke up today with an operative of the police in which several leaders were arrested. Read their statement below:   URGENT! To the national and international community, civil society organizations, friends of Santa Marta and the ADES association, we urgently inform: The Attorney General Office and the […]

Los químicos a los que se enfrenta la agricultura en Maine

(READ THE FULL ARTICLE IN THE GUARDIAN HERE)   Nuestros amigos del comité de MOFGA mantienen una lucha contra el uso de sustancias conocidas como PFAS. Estos se han utilizado ampliamente desde la década de 1950 en productos que van desde el envasado de alimentos hasta la espuma contra incendios. Las PFAS se han reconocido […]

CONFRAS forecasts less cultivated area and less food for El Salvador this year

(PUBLICADO ORIGINALMENTE POR DIARIO CO-LATINO)   The Confederation of Federations of the Salvadoran Agrarian Reform (CONFRAS) considers that this year there will be a decrease in the national production of basic grains and vegetables, given the increased cost of inputs for agricultural production and little government support. They say that this, in turn, will generate […]

Sister Cities Responds to Honduras Solidarity Network’s Call to Action

The Honduras Solidarity Network (HSN) has been busy this week asking for support surrounding the trial of eight water defenders from Guapinol, Honduras. These activists have spent two years in prison on trumped up charges for defending the Guapinol and Sand Pedro rivers from a mining operation led by Honduran mining company Inversiones Los Pinares, […]

Uncertainty over expropriation law in El Salvador

After Nayib Bukele made his big announcement of “Bitcoin City”, José Miguel Cruz, the director of research at the Kimberly Green Latin American and Caribbean Center at Florida International University made the following statement: “It’s crazy to think that everything will be done in a few years. In fact, I don’t remember any project in a […]

USESSC in solidarity with Stop line 3

The US El Salvador Sister City Network has worked in solidarity with the Salvadoran social movement and CRIPDES, a rural campesino organizing federation, since the mid 1980’s. This relationship was forged in a time of war and has deep roots. We have found that our struggle has often been around the defense of the environment, […]

Water Forum statement regarding Bukele’s proposal / Posición del Foro del Agua ante la propuesta de Bukele

(EN ESPAÑOL ABAJO)   In May, the Legislative Assembly now controlled by the New Ideas party decided to archive the historic proposal that came from civil society to legislate the use of water, as well as the gender identity law and other bills that they considered “obsolete” for the current reality of El Salvador. Last […]