Tag Archives: Gustavo Villatoro

Mothers search en masse for their missing children

(ARTICULO DE FACTUM DISPONIBLE EN ESPAÑOL AQUÍ) An article written by Gerson Najera   Relatives and friends of victims of forced disappearance have gathered in a block to demand respect and an immediate response from the Government to the reports of disappearances. “I ask the president (Nayib Bukele) to be empathic. What if it was […]

Two financial blows from the Salvadoran Government

CONTEXT The U.S. Embassy recently approved funding for organizations working in the region, through USAID. The relationship of the Salvadoran government and the US Government is not “solid”, as stated by the Chargé d’ affaires ad Interim Jean Manes: “We have investments in different projects. USAID support is in the hundreds of millions in different […]

Pre-trial detention for FMLN members

ELSALVADOR.COM reports: The Second Magistrate’s court of San Salvador ordered today that five former FMLN officials remain in jail while the judicial process against them reaches the investigation stage. From the moment of the arrests, leaders of the FMLN have questioned the process followed by the authorities and the Prosecutor’s Office regarding the arrests of […]