A letter to senators – Trump’s new ambassador

On april 3rd, Ronald Douglas Johnson got closer to be appointed as U.S. Ambassador in El Salvador. Our friend Joan Laurion, from the Madison-Arcatao Sister City Project (MASCP) shares a letter she sent to her congressman urging him to vote against it. You might also use it to reach out to your representative(s).


Dear Senator ,


I am asking you to vote against the nomination of Ron Johnson as Ambassador to El Salvador. This is a monstrous idea. As you know, he is a retired Colonel and the current CIA liaison to SOUTHCOM–in other words a career military person. His history and training make him less able to meet the challenges of human dignity, human rights, reconciliation, and the construction of peace and social justice in El Salvador. He is understandably ready to advocate for strong military options in El Salvador and from the US. I would leave El Salvador, too, if more repression, violence, disappearances, killings, and conflict was a possibility. Salvadorans know all too well about those things and what it means when the US is backing them.
When you add this to the presence once again of Elliot Abrams in the region, it makes it clear to Salvadorans what the American plan for the region is. The El Mozote massacre that Abrams whitewashed during the US backed war in El Salvador lives on in the memories of all Salvadorans. 
I doubt that you will vote against Trump’s military stance in Central and South America. But I wish with all my heart that you would start standing up to him for decency and what is best for our country. Contrary to what Trump says, people do not ever want to leave their families, communities and churches. They want to stay home. They only leave for work, better lives for their children and in fear of losing their lives. That is what needs to be addressed in El Salvador.


Your signature


If you need more information about Elliot Abrams’ role in the region, clic here.
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2 thoughts on “A letter to senators – Trump’s new ambassador

  1. Al says:

    Mr. Guevara:

    Mr. Johnson couldn’t be more ideal for embassador in El Salvador. We need strong leadership with a clear focus on protecting democracy throughout this hemisphere in light of what is happening in Venezuela, Nicaragua, Bolivia and Cuba — to name a few countries where human rights are violated on a daily basis for the self enrichment of these dictators that were elected democratically but then took over against the people’s will.

    I want to thank you for motivating to write a letter of tremendous support for Mr. Johnson. Your campaign is part of the democrats’ plan to just go against POTUS without looking out for what is in the best interest if the people. Typical….

    • Mario says:

      Good day Al,
      As a person who actually lives in El Salvador, I think I can give you my personal opinion in the matter…if you are actually interested in my hispanic opinion.

      As someone recently pointed out, if Hillary had decided that she was the “actual” winner of the elections and had proclaimed herself the president, you’d be totally right to call her a dictator. No matter how horrendous of a choice Trump was (is), he is the one you voted for and we have to respect that. Why isn’t that respect given to all the other countries of Latin America? Why are we perceived as incapable of choosing our own politics however misguided they might be? Have you watched the movie “VICE”? That should make you think twice which kind of news you fall for.
      I invite you to read this – https://www.voanews.com/a/us-military-option-in-venezuela-risks-long-unpopular-war/4778646.html

      You know that Saddam Hussein was once an ally of the United States until he wasn’t, right? When he was no longer needed, he “became” a dictator, just like Manuel Noriega in Panama.

      It seems like democracy is only what the U.S. chooses to be (Israel and Palestine, for that matter).

      But returning to the subject matter of leadreship and “human rights”. Many years ago, the people of the United States decided to go for Ronald Reagan, a charming man who eventually would let so many gay men die of AIDS and would allow many massacres to take place in this country, including the murder of 4 american nuns. How about OUR human rights? While financing these violations, he had the support of people like Mr. Johnson. Excuse me if I refuse to forget the historical role the US Ambassy has played in El Salvador and we want people to be held accountable.
      I invite you to read this – https://www.democracynow.org/2019/2/14/ilhan_omar_grills_venezuela_envoy_elliott
      or these – https://www.theatlantic.com/international/archive/2018/01/trump-and-el-salvador/550955/

      Feel free to contact us (me) again. It makes me really happy to share non-racist context from the actual “shit-holes” and the people affected by U.S. policies.


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