Mario Dávila presente!

By Catherine Hoffman


Dear friends of Sister Cites and Mario Davila,


Mario died Friday morning – peacefully in his sleep.

Mario was the catalyst for our Cambridge El Salvador Sister City Project and remained faithful to it for the whole time. His experience as an activist in El Salvador guided our inception and informed our understanding of the situation there. Understated but dedicated, Mario was the heart of our delegations and support for the movements in El Salvador. The horrors of the war and the price so many paid with their deaths lived in Mario as sorrow and motivation to continue .

There is a lot of grieving for the family and also some comfort for COVID time which allowed “nesting” at home with his family and children and newish grandson.

Because of COVID there are no plans for a formal gathering, but friends are invited to drop by the backyard anytime today or tomorrow.

I mentioned that we would like to do something formally honoring Mario when the time is right, and Sarah said that would be wonderful.


Thanks to all of you for your care for El Salvador and Cambridge – Mario’s 2 homes.


May he rest in peace


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5 thoughts on “Mario Dávila presente!

  1. Greg Smith says:

    Tributes so beautifully said compas thanks. Im stunned and saddened. He was indefatigable organizer, hero of the people, mentor and friend for so many hours at afdc on nass ave. These immigrant rights notes from 95 have him first on organizing committee first on logistics and maybe on literature 🙂 im so lucky to conocerlo aqui en la montana de chalatenango. Mario Presente!

  2. Nicole and Larry Kramer-Scituate says:

    Deepest condolences to Sarah, Little Mario, Nadia, Andrew and Kiki. I understand the all-too-soon loss of an immigrant father, patriarch, and humanitarian in mind and soul. Cherish the gifts and love he provided. Love to you all.
    Nicole and Larry

  3. jaime suriano says:

    De sorpresa me entere el día de ayer que Mario Davila había fallecido unos días atrás. Con Mario como con otros muchos compartimos una gran parte de nuestras vidas soñando y trabajando por una patria nueva. Nos unió y separo el destino dejando inmensas huellas en nuestras vidas coloreadas por el va y viene de las pasiones generadas por el sentimiento de sabernos hacedores de historia. Como a muchos otros entrañables compañero/as le perdí la pista hace mucho tiempo aunque su imagen flaca con el pelo ondulado en un eterno alboroto y la sonrisa de pícaro me ha acompañado siempre prendida en mis memorias de otros tiempos ya lejanos. La noticia de su muerte me ha entristecido por lo súbito y el remordimiento de ya no recordar nuestra última plática. Me ha llamado a meditar sobre lo logrado y la inmensidad de lo mucho que queda por hacer. Hasta siempre Mario.
    Mis condolencias para sus seres queridos y para todo aquellos que como yo lo extrañaremos.

    • Mario Guevara says:

      Muchas gracias por compartir sus palabras, Jaime.

      Jaime’s words: “With Mario, as with many others, we shared a big part of our lives dreaming and working for a new country. Destiny brought us together and apart leaving a deep trail in our lives coloured by the passions felt while making history. I lost track of him as I did with many loved comrades a long time ago, but his thin figure and his wavy messy hair with a mischievous smile has stayed forever with me in my memories of other times. The news of his death saddens me and makes me feel guilty because I don’t remember the last time we spoke. It has made me reflect about the things we achieved and how much there is left to do. Until forever, Mario. My condolences for his loved ones and for all who, like me, will be missing him”.

  4. Molly says:

    Mario Davila, presente! For decades he has been a model for transnational activists working toward a more just and equitable world. I will carry his memory onward with me as I continue his legacy. My love and honor to all of Mario’s family.

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