Fast for the Freedom of Political Prisoners, CRIPDES Declaration – July 17, 2007

Fast for the Freedom of the Political Prisoners of El Salvador


CRIPDES and CORDES announce that starting Wednesday July 18th, the committee of family members of political prisoners of El Salvador, and members of the rural communities will begin fasting and prayer for the freedom of the people detained on the 2 of July in Suchitoto.

As Organizations and families we expect Gloria de La Paz Lizama and Sandra Chicas, honourable Judges of the Special Penal Tribunal, will emit a decision in accordance with the Law and the right to appeal presented this past 12th of July, so that our colleagues may recover their freedom before spending the three months in provisional detention ordered by the Judge Ana Lucila Fuentes de Paz.  We expect the Honourable Judges Gloria de la Paz Lizama and Sandra Chicas to act professionally and in accordance with the Law, setting an example in transparency and true application of justice, which will set an important precedent and will strengthen the construction of democracy in El Salvador.

To date, different individuals, analysts, organizations and actors on the national and international level have expressed their highest concern for the treatment and handling of the events in Suchitoto by the Government of President Antonio Saca, overstepping their powers not only in the use of the police forces, but also in their intent to apply the antiterrorist law to citizens who were only exercising their legitimate right to freedom of expression.

The Attorney General of the Republic, the Ombudsman for the Defense of Human Rights and the Legal Office of the Archbishop of our Country, as well as Amnesty International and the Copenhagen Initiative for Central America and Mexico –CIFCA- amongst others, agree that the application of the antiterrorist law in this case is excessive and puts at risk the freedoms to which the Salvadoran population has a constitutional right.  We invite all the social sectors of the country to join this civic and religious activity for the freedom of the political prisoners, so that they can be reunited with their families, from whom they have been painfully and violently separated since the 2 of July, as well as be able to continue their daily work for the development of thousands of families in need in our country.





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