Tag Archives: General Assembly

A Report Back from the 9th Annual CRIPDES Assembly

The annual CRIPDES Assembly took place on June 26th at the historic Divina Providencia Hospital complex where Monseñor Romero lived until his murder in 1990. More than 250 community leaders from San Vicente, Chalatenango, La Libertad, Northern San Salvador, Cabanas and Cuscatlán attended the assembly. The national junta directiva of CRIPDES opened the assembly by […]

CRIPDES Allies Send a Greeting to US Solidarity, Dec 09

Tita Colunga of ProVida, a member of the MPR-12 Alliance, gave this speech to the CRIPDES-PROGRESO assembly in Suchitoto on December 9th. Looking back at this year, there have been so many successes that we cannot forget. On March 15th, we elected our new government. And now, with our new government, how many people have […]