Category Archives: Online Resources

A Compelling History of Mining in El Salvador, Jan 2010

Everything has to do with Pacific Rim and the company’s longing to exploit the gold found underground in the department of Cabañas. Almost from the time that the company set up in said zone, conflicts began, whose biggest opponent is the resistance of the communities to sell their land, and prevent the negative environmental impacts […]

Gold Mining Analysis and Resistance Series

 Three years after the first aluminum surveying tags appeared in the hills above San José Las Flores, where, according to the Salvadoran mining code, company representatives have no legal right to be, the organized communities of Chalatenango continue to face the threat posed by international gold mining companies.  They also continue to organize against them. […]

Human Rights Update: October, 2006

Agreement of Constitution for the Social Coordination for Human Rights The Salvadoran population in its majority is marginalized socially and economically; El Salvador’s economy is stalled and concentration of wealth is increasing, salaries are low and unemployment is rising, we lack our own currency and inflation is on a rampage and we have a very […]