Tag Archives: Domingo Monterrosa

Bukele on military files and more

(EN ESPAÑOL ABAJO)   President Nayib Bukele held a press conference on September 24 in which Ambassador Ronald Johnson made a special video appearance. Bukele spoke about the military files of the El Mozote case, made new appointments and also spoke about the letter sent by Democrats concerned about the situation of independent journalism in […]

“One more president of Impunity”. No access to the military files in Morazan.

ARPAS reports: “The organization of victims of the massacre, which left at least 1,000 people dead, calls on Bukele’s lack of coherence and summons him. ‘This was a dishonorable and dishonest decision by the President of the Republic towards the community of victims (…) This day is engraved in our memory that he is one […]

Former soldiers of the Atlacatl Battalion testify against their superior in El Mozote trial

(LEA LA NOTICIA COMPLETA AQUÍ)   “You’re going to ask me about the El Mozote massacre, in Morazán, on december 1981”, said “Juan”, hidden behind a wooden screen and through a device that changed his voice. The two former soldiers declare under a pseudonym and their identities are only known by the prosecution and the […]

Demanda de Justicia a los 30 Años de Masacre de El Mozote

La Concertación Mons. Romero, hace un vehemente llamado a la comunidad nacional e internacional para tomar conciencia de que el 10 de diciembre próximo celebramos el 63º aniversario de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos Humanos y que los días 10-13 de diciembre del presente año se cumplen 30 años de la Masacre de El […]