We support the honduran caravan / Apoyamos la caravana hondureña de Migrantes

The United States cannot have it both ways in El Salvador: imposing a foreign policy that drives people from their homes and an immigration policy that criminalizes people as they flee in search of safety and sustenance for their families.
We stand with our Salvadoran sisters and brothers, who have shared with us friendship, solidarity, inspiration and organization for over 30 years.


Now that many brothers and sisters from Honduras are on their way to the United States, Sister Cities supports the statement from the Honduras Solidarity Network. You can read it here.

Ahora que muchas hermanas y hermanos de Honduras se encaminan hacia los Estados Unidos, Ciudades Hermanas apoya la declaración de La Red de Solidaridad con Honduras. Puede leerla aquí.


More news about the caravan here:

Migrant caravan: What is it and why does it matter?

The migrant caravan, explained

Donald Trump is wrong about Honduran migrants. The Democrats are incoherent


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