The CCR Elects its New Board

On Sunday October 24th over 300 people gathered in Chalatenango to elect the new CCR board. As always with the CCR, the elections were an all day celebration with updates about the work the CCR has done over the last year, music from Carasque’s band Grupo Emoción, food and local celebrities, including Chalate’s representative to the Legislative Assembly.


There were 17 candidates from the 7 regions of the CCR for the 5 general positions on the board, as well as 11 candidates for the specific work areas (women, youth, health, and education). The 215 voters at the assembly elected:

Agustin Menjivar (Arcatao) as president with 79 votes

Jose Antonio Mejia Casco “Andrecito” (Las Vueltas) as treasurer with 75 votes

Benigno Orellana (Carasque) as organizing coordinator with 61 votes

Ana Galdys Lemus (Cancasque) as secretary and sistering coordinator with 60 votes

Teresa de Jesus Cordova (Los Pozos) as legal representative with 55 votes

Rubia Guardado Guardado (Las Limas) as women’s coordinator with 132 votes

Cesar Guardado Castillo (Guarjila) as youth coordinator with 61 votes

Ana Bertilia Mejia as health coordinator with 51 votes

Nelson Rutilio Orellana (Las Flores) as education coordinator with 82 votes


This group of 9 community leaders has been charged with leading the CCR for the next two years. They will officially take office on November 10th.


Message from the Board of the CCR to the 15th General Assembly

October 24, 2010 

Founders, leaders, youth, teachers, war-wounded, and representatives of the various national and international institutions that resolutely support us in the development of our communities, we send you a fraternal greeting of solidarity from the board of the CCR in our fifteenth General Assembly.

We would like to begin this event with a very special thank you to all of the historic communities that make up our big family, because they trust in organizing as the only means to bring about development for our people.

Today, the CCR, loyal to its democratic principles, will elect, in a very participatory and transparent way, the new board, which will have the important task of continuing to lead the efforts of the communities and to strengthen organizing in all the work areas, as our statutes stipulate.

This board, which today finishes its term, had the satisfaction of contributing to bring our party to the executive branch, a job in which everyone from our communities participated in one way or another, without worrying about the sacrifices needed or other commitments. The board is infinitely thankful for the efforts made by everyone who struggled and those who lost their lives, with the hope and desire for changes in El Salvador. For this reason, we need to be ready for any type of desperate action from the right-wing to destabilize our government.

We have already achieved important changes that benefit the majority of the people who have been abandoned for years. However, we know that is not enough, which is what motivates us to continue to struggle day to day to achieve the changes that are necessary for this country.

Those who are leaving the board today are committed to supporting – wherever we are – the actions and efforts that the CCR carries out to advocate changes in the corresponding institutions and to satisfy the most strongly felt needs of our communities.

We want to be clear that the struggle against the “mega projects” which threaten the lives of our people hasn’t finished. For that reason, now more than ever, we need to be alert and ready to respond to any type of threat or effort to carry out damaging projects towards the environment or the population as a whole.

We would like to take this opportunity to thank, in the name of the organized communities of the CCR, all the national and international institutions for your valuable support and accompaniment to all the projects and development initiatives promoted by the CCR.

To finish, we would like to wish the new board wisdom so that they make the best decisions possible and that they persevere in the face of the difficulties that they will confront in the organizing work of the next two years.





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